Thursday, July 3, 2008

Poker hand names

Here are some Poker hand names... The next time you're on the table and someone shouts out these term, then you'll know what they mean !!! Have fun going through the list as there are many to memorize.. hehe

A-A Pocket Rockets, American Airlines, Bullets, Two Pips.
A-K Big Slick.
A-Q Little Slick, Big Chick, Mrs. Slick
A-J Blackjack, Ajax, Jackass
A-T Johnny Moss, A-Team, Bookends
A-8 Dead Man's Hand (hand held by Wild Bill Hickock's when he was shot.Two pair,aces and eights)
A-3 Baskin-Robbins
A-2 Acey-Deucey, Drinking Age
K-K Cowboys, Elvis Presley, King Kong, Ace Magnets
K-Q Marriage, Royalty
K-Q suited Royal Marriage
K-Q unsuited Mixed Marriage
K-J Kojak, King John
K-9 Canine, Dog, Fido.
K-8 Kokomo
K-7 King Salmon, Columbia River.
K-3 King Crab, Alaska Hand.
Q-Q Cowgirls, Ladies, Four Tits, Bitches
Q-J Maverick (the theme tune of the TV show mentions "living on jacks and queens")
Q-T Q-Tip
Q-9 Quinine, Goolsby.
Q-7 Computer Hand
Q-3 Gay Waiter, San Francisco Busboy ("Queen with a tray")
Q-3 Suited Posh Gay Waiter
J-J Fishhooks, Hooks, Jokers, Johnnies
J-T Cloutier (as in: T. J. Cloutier)
J-7 Jack Daniel's
J-6 Railroad Hand
J-5 Motown, Jackson Five
J-4 Flat Tyre, what's a jack for??????
T-T Dimes, TNT
T-5 Five and Dime, Woolworths
T-4 Over and Out, Roger That, Good Buddy, Broderick Crawford
T-3 Weinberg
T-2 Doyle Brunson, because in the 1976 and 1977 World Series he won with this hand.
9-9 German Virgin (no, no).
9-8 Oldsmobile.
9-6 Big Lick, (reverse number 69).
9-6 suited Prom Night
9-5 Dolly Parton (as in her hit song from the film), Full-time job
9-4 Gold Rush (gold rush of 49)
9-2 Montana Banana
8-8 Snowmen, Infinities, Double Infinity, two fat ladies.
8-6 Maxwell Smart (as in Agent 86 in Get Smart)
8-5 Finky dink
8-3 Raquel Welch
7-7 Hockey Sticks, Candy Canes, Walking Sticks
7-6 Trombones (as in the song "76 Trombones"), Union Oil
7-5 Heinz, (as in 57 varieties)
7-4 Double Down
7-3 Joe Hachem (the hand he won the main event of the 2005 world series with)
7-2 offsuit The Hammer (the worst possible starting hand) Beer Hand (you should drink a beer rather than attempt to play these cards.)
7-2 suited Velvet Hammer
6-9 Joe Bernstein
6-6 Route 66
6-3 Blocky
6-2 Ainsworth
5-7 Pickle Man
5-5 Presto, Nickels, speed limit
5-4 Moneymaker, the winning hand at the World Series in 2003 for Chris Moneymaker.
4-5 Jesse James
4-4 Sailboats, Midlife Crisis, Darth Vader (clubs and spades - sounds like 'Darce Force').
3-9 Jack Benny
3-5 Bully Johnson
3-3 Crabs, Hooters
3-2 Can of Corn
2-9 Twiggy
2-4 Lumberman's Hand
2-2 Ducks, Swans, Sleepers, Quack Quack
6-6-6 Kotch
4-4-4 Grand Jury

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Poker Chat Terms

Here are some of the terms I have gathered while playing poker online. Hope this comes in handy the next time you play online poker.

bbl = Be back later.
brb = Be right back.
cya = See ya.
g1 = Good one.
gc = Good call or good cards.
gg = Good game.
gl = Good luck.
itm = In the money.
lol = Laughing out loud.
n = Nice.
n1 = Nice one.
nc = Nice call.
nh = Nice hand.
nhs = Nice hands.
nhwps = Nice hand! Well played sir.
nl = No limit.
nlhe = No limit hold'em.
O = Offsuit.
o8 = Omaha 8/Better.
plo = Pot limit Omaha.
plo8 = Pot limit Omaha 8/better.
sng = Sit-n-go.
t = Thanks.
tnx = Thanks.
tu = Thank you.
tx = Thanks.
tyvm = Thank you very much.
ul = Unlucky.
vul = Very unlucky.
vn = Very nice.
vn1 = Very nice one.
vnh = Very nice hand.
vvn = Very very nice.
vvnh = Very very nice hand.
wb = Welcome back.
wcp = World class player.
yhs = Your hand sucks.
yw = You're welcome.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Texas Holdem Poker Lingo !!

To all of you who are new to the the poker world, I would most certainly advise that you read up on the "Poker Lingo" glossary. Poker has its own terminology, and by going through the glossary will help you understand the terms used when playing.

Lets get started with Poker Lingo:

3-Bet - To make the 2nd raise in poker (It is reffered to as 3-bet because the blinds are techinically the first bet). e.g. in limit - Hulk+1 calls, Superman1 raises, Spiderman3-betse.g. in no-limit - Hulk+1 calls $1, Superman1 raises to $5, Spiderman-raises to $18
3xBB / 4xBB - to raise before the flop 3 or 4 times the big blind. This is known as the "standard" raise. e.g. The blinds are 50/100; a 3xBB raise would be 300.

Aces up - Two pair, one of which is Aces. e.g. You hold A7, board is A74, you have Aces up.

All-in/AI - That moment when your chips are in the middle and your fate is resting with the poker gods.

Bad Beat - this refers to losing a hand when you were the strong odds favorite to win. ie - an example of a bad beat would be holding pocket Aces against a player holding pocket 2's, and your opponent ends up beating you by hitting another 2 on the last card. Visit the Play-By-Play Examples to view an example of a bad beat.

Bankroll/BR - The amount of cash you have available to pursue your poker dreams! All professionals seperate their bankroll from their normal spending money.

Bankroll Management - Properly managing the amount of money you have for poker with the stakes you play. e.g. You have a bankroll of $1000, so you only play $.25 - $.50 or less until you have enough money to move up stakes. You would never play at $5 - $10 where you could lose it all in a single hand.

Belly-Buster - This is also known as an inside straight draw or gut shot. See "Gut Shot".

Big Slick - refers to holding an Ace and King as your two private (pocket) cards.

Big "Chick" - Refers to holding an Ace and Queen as your two pocket cards.

Blinds - Texas Holdem Poker uses what's called a "blind" structure, meaning that two people on the table must post a bet prior to seeing their cards. Since they are forced to bet without seeing their cards, they are playing "blind", thus the name of those bets are called "blinds". There are two blinds, the big blind and the small blind. The small blind position must post half the minimum bet and sits immediately to the left of the dealer. The big blind must post the full minimum bet, and sits immediately to the left of the small blind, two seats to the left of the dealer. As the deal rotates around the table, each player takes turns posting the small blind and the big blind bets. This blind structure forces the action on the table since there will always be a pot to win. So, for example, if you are seated at a $1-2 limit holdem table, the small blind must post $.50 and the big blind must post $1 bet. As play rotates around the table, each player may choose to call that $1 bet, raise, or fold. When it's the small blind's turn, that player only needs to call $.50 to play the hand.

Board - The board refers to the community cards that are dealt face up on the table. In Texas Holdem, there will ultimately be five community cards on the "board". The board does NOT include the two private card dealt to each player. So, if someone were to say, "the board plays", the player means that the five community cards make his best poker hand and he is not using any of the two private cards dealt to the player.

B.O.C./boc - Ballin' Out of Control. BOC is the culture and attitude of most FTR'ers.

Bubble - The period just before the paid places begin. e.g. The last 4 in a SnG that pays 3 places.

Button - Also called the "Dealer Button", this is a white puck (usually with the word "Dealer" on it), that signifies the dealer's position on the table. The dealer's position is significant because he is the last player to act for that hand. The Dealer Button rotates around the table, so each player takes turns being "on the button".

C-Bet/cBet/Continuation bet - To make a follow-up bet on a flop after you have raised pre-flop. e.g. Hulk raises 4xbb with Superman and the bb calls. Flop comes 2 6 9 rainbow, bb checks and Hulk bets even though he didn’t improve his hand because he raised preflop.
Capping - To make the final raise in a round of betting at limit poker (4 bets). e.g. Hulk+1 calls, Superman1 raises, Siderman 3-bets, CO Caps

Check-raise - the act of checking a hand, in hopes of luring your opponent to bet, so that you may then raise over him and build a bigger pot to win.

Donk/Donkey - Someone who is very bad at poker.

Donk Bet - When you lead into the preflop raiser and take away their contiuation bet. e.g. Villain raises 4xbb preflop and you call in the sb. Instead of checking you lead out taking away their betting opportunity. This is referred to as a donk bet because it is a play many bad players make (although the bet in itself can have its advantages).

DUCY - Do You See Why? (Forum/Internet acronym)

Expected Value/EV - The long term effect of making certain decisions. Can be either negative (-ev) or positive (+ev). e.g. Constantly calling raises w/ 93o is –EV (as in, u keep doing it, u are going to lose money in the long run)

Final Table/FT - The last table of a large multi-table tournament. ahhh .... the promised land!

- Calling a bet in order to take a pot down later, kind of like a bluff slowplay or a bluff call. e.g. You call suspected continuation bets on the flop in the hopes that the bettor will give up his unimproved Jake and check on the turn. You then bet and hopefully take the pot away from the preflop aggressor. We are floating over the other guys flop bet looking for an opportunity to take the pot.

Flop - In Texas Holdem, each player has two cards dealt to them, and then share five community cards. These five community cards, however, do not all get dealt at the same time. There are rounds of betting at certain intervals during the deal. After the first two cards are dealt to each player, there is a round of betting. Then, three of the five community cards are dealt at one time on the board. This is what's known as the "flop" - the first three cards being dealt on the board. The fourth card is called the "turn", and the final, fifth card is known as the "river".

Flush Draw - a hand where you have 4 of the 5 cards needed to make a flush. For example, if you are holding two clubs, and the board flops two more clubs, you would be holding a flush draw. You would need to draw an additional club to complete the flush.

Fold Equity/FE - The value you get from the times your opponent(s) folds. Fold Equity = (% of the time your opponent folds) * (the amount of money you win when he folds i.e. the pot size)
Fourth Street - see "Turn".

Fifth Street - see "River".

FYP - Fixed your post (Forum/Internet acronym). Usually if you make a mistake someone will change your words and type FYP letting you know.

FWIW - For what it's worth (Forum/Internet acronym).

Gut Shot - a hand where you have 4 of the 5 cards needed to make a straight, but your 4 cards are not "connected" or in sequential order, so you need a single card in the middle of your straight to complete the straight. ie - you are holding 5 6, and the board shows 7, 9, 10. At that moment, you have a gut shot, only the 8 will make your straight. This type of hand is also known as an "inside straight draw" or a "belly-buster straight draw".

Gap Concept - Gap Concept dictates that you need a stronger hand to call a raise with than you do to open the raising yourself. The difference between the strengths is called the “gap”. E.g., most people would raise with a hand like KJ if folded to them but would be reluctant to call a raise with it.

Hand History/HH - The transcript of a specific hand or complete tournament, usually obtained from the specific online site.

Heads-Up/HU - One on one play, usually the final two at the end of a tournament

HUD/PAHUD - (Poker Ace) Heads Up Display. A program that uses the information in your PokerTracker database to provide relevant, customized stats on your opponents and displays them as an overlap to the table you are playing on, such as how often they enter a pot, how often they raise etc. Very helpful for multi-tabling.

IMHO - In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion (Forum/Internet acronym).

Implied Odds - Implied Odds refers to the odds or percentage of making your winning hand compared to the odds or percentage of the bet you must call compared to the POTENTIAL size of the pot.

In Position - Having position on your opponent; being able to act last postflop. e.g. Hulk raises and you call on the button and will be in position for the rest of the hand.

In the Money/ITM - Landing the paid places in a tournament.

Independent Chip Model/ICM - Works out your stack as a % of the prize pool and works out the EV of decisions based thereon.

Inside Straight Draw - Also known as a belly-buster straight draw gut shot straight draw. See "Gut Shot".

Kicker - the kicker refers to your tie-breaking card. For example, if I am holding an Ace and King, and the board shows Ace, 5, 8, 2, 6 - I would have a pair of Aces with a King kicker. My opponent may have an Ace also, but with a weaker kicker, in which case I will win the showdown.

LAGG/LAgg/LAG - Loose aggressive; a player at your table who plays more hands than average and plays them aggressively.

Leak - A hole or shortcoming in your game. Usually a fairly small mistake, but one in which you are ‘leaking’ chips – most notable is completing from the SB (largely because of the discount price) with moderate to poor holdings looking miracle flops.

LHE - Limit Hold‘em

Limp - to limp into the hand refers to calling the minimal bet, the big blind, to play your hand.

Line Check - You post a hand you played and then ask people to comment on how you bet (or the line you took) on each street.

M - From Harrington on Hold ‘Em; your M represents your stack relative to the size of the blinds and antes. e.g. you have a 1500 stack and the blinds are 100/200 – your M is 1500/(200+100) = 5. e.g. 2, there are 8 players left in a tournament and the blinds are 100/200 w/ a 25 ante. Your 1500 stack is now 1500/(200+100+25*8)=3, M=3.

Maniac - A maniac is a player who plays ultra-aggressively, making big bets on poor cards, throwing his money around in the hopes of winning by bluffing and intimidation. A maniac can be a difficult player to play against, but may also be a big source of profits.

meh - A sign of indifference, typically used on internet forums.

Muck - the act of folding one's hand without showing your cards.

NIL - A gambler who is afraid to gamble, or a tight player at the table.

NLHE - No Limit Hold‘em

Nuts or Nut Hand - the Nuts or Nut hand is the best possible hand at that particular moment. For example, if I am holding the Ace and Jack of hearts, and the flop brings the 2, 6, 9 of hearts, I would be holding the "nut" hand or just the "nuts" - there is no hand that I can lose to at this moment. Of course, the nut hand can change as the fourth and fifth cards come out (a straight flush). The highest possible straight or flush is often called the "nut" straight or "nut" flush.

OOP - Out of Position, being first to act postflop.

Open Limp - Being the first person in the pot preflop, but not raising.

Out of the Money/OTM - The opposite of ITM! Placing outside of the places that pay in a tournament.

Outs - The number of "outs" refers to the number of cards in the deck to make your winning hand. For example, if I have a flush draw (4 suited cards), I have 9 outs to make my flush since there are a total of 13 cards of each suit.

Pocket Rockets - also known as American Airlines, refers to holding two Aces as your private, pocket cards.

Poker Tracker/PT - A database program that keeps track of how many hands, your profits, and much more for online poker. Very helpful (and almost necessary) for documenting your progress.

Position - What spot you are in as the button moves around the table.UTG = Under The Gun, MP = Middle Position, HJ = HiJack, CO = Cut Off, BTN = Button, SB = Small Blind, BB = Big Blind

Pot Odds - Pot Odds refers to the odds or percentage of making your winning hand compared to the odds or percentage of the bet you must call compared to the CURRENT size of the pot.

Push - To push or move all–in. Literally; push all of your chips into the middle.

pwn/pwned - Slang from own/owned. When someone outplays or otherwise outclasses someone else. "You got pwned."
QFT - Quoted for truth (Forum/Internet acronym).

Rake - This is the commission the house takes from every pot. The rake can be set dollar amounts or a percentage of the pot, depending on the casino.

Rebuys & Add-ons/R&A - A tournament which allows you to re-buy (usually restricted to the first hour) if you lose all your chips or drop below your starting stack and also addon after the rebuy period is over.

River - The "river" is the dealing of the fifth and final card of the five community cards dealt in Texas Holdem. The "river" is also known as "Fifth Street". The river card is the fifth and final card on the board. See "Flop".

Return on Investment/ROI - The net profit you made divided by the money you invested to make that profit (the sum of all your buy ins). e.g. If you played 10 $10+1 sngs and won $150, then you risked 10x11=$110 and your net profit was $40. So your ROI will be 40/110 = 36%.
Set - Three of a kind when your pair matches one of the community cards. e.g. You have 55 and the flop brings 4 5 A, you now have a set of 5s. (One of the strongest hands on NLHE.)

Semi-bluff - The act of betting on your hand when your hand is not made yet. ie - you have four cards to a straight or flush and you make a bet or raise a bet - even though you do not have a strong hand now, you have a chance of bluffing your opponent out of the pot or hitting the card that will complete your winning hand.

Ship It - - Same as "send it." Phrase exclaimed by the winner of a big pot. Most often exclaimed via the chat box of an online poker game. Has sarcastic, obnoxious overtones and could infuriate your opponent!

Short-handed - A short-handed game refers to a table that has few opponents. A table of 2-6 players (as opposed to a full table of 10) would be considered a short-handed game.
Sit 'n' Go Power Tools/SNGPT - A Program that allows you to work out EV in situations of a SnG.

Slow-play - The act of intentionally under-playing a very strong hand in the hopes of tricking your opponent into thinking that he has you beat, which leads to your opponent betting more in later rounds. ie - holding pocket Aces and just checking or calling on the first round of betting to show weakness, in hopes of luring your opponent into more aggressive play later and a larger pot.

Smooth Call - A smooth call is the act of just calling a bet or raise with a very powerful hand in order to conceal your strength and keep all the attention on the initial raiser.

Standard - Said by someone who thinks the particular hand doesn’t need much discussion; it was played standard. (Many times the word standard can be said sarcastically in reply to a bad beat).

STBY - Sucks to be you. Often said when people post bad beats (Forum/Internet acronym).

Stone Cold Bluff - This is the act of betting your hand with no real possibility of winning the hand if your bet is called. Unlike the semi-bluff, where you still have the potential to make a winning a hand, the stone cold bluff is not relying on the cards, but on your opponent folding.
Stop ‘n’ Go - A move whereby you call a raise, but you are first to act on the flop and you push all-in regardless. Usually where you will probably get called by a better hand if you push pre-flop or you are going to get called anyway, but you may get that better hand to fold if they miss the flop or may have just enough money to make a better hand fold.

Suited Connectors - Holding two cards that are of the same suit and sequentially ordered. ie - 8, 9 of spades.

TAGG/TAgg/TAG - Tight aggressive; someone who is tight with their starting hands but always plays them aggressively. Can also be known as solid.

Tilt - This terms refers to a player who is angry, upset, or emotionally unstable, impacting his poker game in a negative manner. For example, a player who just suffered a "bad beat" may go on "tilt". A player on tilt will often play erratically and more aggressively than his usual tendency.

ToP - The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky.

TP - Top Pair.

TPGK - Top Pair, Good Kicker. e.g. you hold KQ or KJ and the board reads K 5 7

TPTK - Top Pair, Top Kicker. e.g. you hold AQ and board shows Q 9 3

Trips - Also known as a three-of-a-kind.

Turn - The "turn" is the dealing of the fourth card of five community cards dealt in the game of Texas Holdem. The "turn" is also referred to as "Fourth Street". The turn card would be the fourth card on the board. See "Flop".

VP$IP%/VPIP - Voluntary Put Money in the Pot %. A category on Poker Tracker which demonstrates how often you play outside of the blinds (quite literally, how often you voluntarily – as oppose to compulsory – put money into the pot).

W$SD - Won $$ at Show Down %. Poker Tracker’s way of showing you how much cash you win at show down.

WtSD - Went to Show Down %. A further Poker Tracker category which demonstrates how often you go to showdown.

x BB/100 = Winrate expressed as Big Bets per 100 hands played. e.g. You have played 50,000 hands with a bb/100 of 5 which earned you $10,000.

So there are a list of the ones I have compiled so far..I will add on to the list as time goes by or if I do come across more new lingos! Have fun, enojy the game!


Monday, June 30, 2008

Crash Course to the type of players in a No limit Texas Hold'em.

Here is a littel crash course to the type of players in a No limit Texas Hold'em.

Top of the list would deffinately be knowing your opponents. If you don’t know the types of players you’re sitting with at a no limit table, save some money for the slots. I can raise you to that, that you’re going to be blown off the table. That said, once you identified the type of people you’re playing against, you can become the predator. Here are the main types of opponents you need to keep your eyes peeled for.

In a no limit table, you’re going to see 3 or 4 types of players. The only thing that really makes them different from each other is how aggressively they play. Some of them may play a lot of hands and bet like physco maniacs. On the other hand, others play conservatively and bet like they’re playing with their tuition fees. Ok, here goes :

Tight-Passive Players - These are the "chicken"of the table. They rather not play a lot of hands in a showdown and they bet very conservatively. Ops, no offense if you’re a tight-aggressive player yourself. They’re the most common type. No doubt that they can build a bankroll at a low-limit table, but they’re generally shark food at the No Limit Hold’em games.

Loose-Passive Players - These players are their own worst enemy. They constantly depend on others bluffing into their hands. You can spot these players as they keep calling while holding a semi-strong hand. You can take seize the moment by betting competitively when you’re holding a stronger hand. These players fold easily.

Tight-Aggressive Players - It’s not a flawless style for sure. But, if you have a strong gutt feeling, you can boost your bankroll quickly. The trick, wait for a great hand. Then, go all in and kill to the finish. Throw all your chips into it. Win big, lose big!!! That’s the nature of this style.

Loose-Aggressive Players - Now, this is the style I have adopted. Loose aggressive players are some of the most dangerous people to play with, and I like the sound of that! Sometimes, they’ll bet like a nut job and get cornered easily. Well, if that happens, consider them your prey. Most times, though, they play a lot of hands and buy shares of tons of pots. Because they’re betting so much, it’ll seem like they’re losing a lot. However, if you keep an eye on their chips, you’ll notice the pile getting bigger throughout the night. So to all out there, do keep a close watch around this type of player. Don’t be drawn in by their betting!!!

Therefore, hope these 4 types listed will help you judge the type of opponents on your table. Good Luck!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Poker and it's Down Fall!!!

Although this article may be contradicting my previous posting, I am still going to spill my guts out on how I truly feel about Poker. Poker is often subject to criticism by those morally opposed to gambling. While morally I honestly see nothing wrong with gambling, but I do find it an irresponsible waste of precious time and money, both of which are hard to come by for a typical college student or a freshie at work. Hours of precious time spent posting blinds, bluffing and going all in, are hours away from the books or even the actual work.

It now seems to me, overnight groups of people started dealing cards, breaking out cheap plastic chips and having a good time playing a little hold'em. Soon after the games got a little more serious, friends became opponents and those cheap plastic chips were upgraded to expensive clay casino style chips.

Not long till they got online to start playing online poker. Suddenly, there were countless individuals now who are punching in their credit card numbers online to partake in online poker. Now anyone with a couple of bucks and a computer can get online and blow their savings trying to double up at a high stakes table.

I now know that the online poker industry has erupted, especially among college students. More and more students have listed poker as an interest on, and I'm sure there are groups dedicated to online poker. Poker is here, gambling is here and the ramifications are real. It is here to stay and nothing is going to stop it from erupting.

Once upon a time gambling only took place in the most spectacular casinos, fortunately or unfortunately , now the same opportunities are present in a dingy dorm room equip with Internet connection. Perhaps regulations should exist barring online gambling; after all gambling is illegal.

Personally, I feel Poker is a waste of time; if one thinks they can minus education or ignore the respected job they are currently doing to become a professional poker player! For every one successfully story, there are hundreds that are left bankrupt, maxed out their credit cards, borrowed money from family and friends, kicked out of school, jobless or depressed!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Top 5 WSOP Bracelet Winners !!

To all the poker fans out there, here are the top 5 poker WSOP Bracelet winners!

No. 1 = Phil Hellmuth currently, 11 Bracelets > Total WSOP Earnings: $3,787,327

No. 2 = Doyle Brunson, 10 Bracelets > Total WSOP Earnings: $1,528,130

No. 3 = Johnny Chan, 9 Bracelets > Total WSOP Earnings: $2,536,675

No. 4 = Erick Seidel, 8 Bracelets > Total WSOP Earnings: $2,312,780

No. 5 = Bill Bexter, 7 Bracelets > Total WSOP Earnings: $617,110


Friday, June 20, 2008

Poker This That !!

A month ago, I had no idea what Poker was all about, never even thought about gambling. Completely oblivious to this world called gambling. I perceived gambling as for those who enjoyed loosing hard earned money, really bored ones and those who had too much time on their hands.

However, my perception towards gambling has changed. I now know that there are more to it then sitting on a table and gambling away. There are many things involved in gambling, one must be focused, make sure one has a good strategy in winning that hand, be able to study their opponents habits, know when to fold and go all in, know ones limit and know when to stop if necessary, be able to keep their opponents on their toes and always refrain from being to greedy.

I have come to learn alot about poker. There are many different types of Poker. Just to name a few, there are 5 Card Draw, Seven Card Stud, Omaha and many more. The most played poker will most certainly be Texas Hold'em.

I have also come to learn that there are significant strategies in playing Poker. I would like to share some of these strategies. To what I know, playing poker is not pure chance or luck. Its about having the skills and having the knowledge about the game.
Without a good grasp of basic poker strategy one won't do well against experienced players.

I think one of the most important things to remember when playing poker is that ones strategy should be to win as much as possible and lose as little as possible on each hand and not to get the best hand. One is in the game to win money and not pots. Any player can win a pot. But one will lose a ton of money in the process. The best poker players play few hands and maximize their return when the odds are in their favor.

I think trying to stay with and initial bad hand is one of the worst strategies possible. If one don't have a winning combination in ones hand when the betting begins, it's often in ones best interest to fold. Stay in every now and then to confuse ones opponents but don't generally count on turning a bad thing into a good one. Always do remember, money saved is just as valuable as money won.

In one of my very 1st tournament of poker, I learned that the best basic poker strategy is to play selectively and aggressively. The odds will most certainly shift as cards are dealt across the table. One has to know what their odds are and play aggressively when they're in ones favor. But watch yourself, if you consistently play aggressive then your opponents will recognize your tendencies and wait till they have a better hand than you. Always remember not be predictable and always play unpredictably. If other player can see you are tight player or a loose player then they'll easily know how to go about taking your money.

Another handy tip will be, if one is able to switch gears if you get stuck in a losing streak. Don't just start playing aggressively trying to turn bad hands around. The best strategy is to do the opposite, gear down and play fewer hands. Wait out your streak of bad luck; I'm sure eventually it will pass.

Always be sure to study your opponents and learn to anticipate their actions. When hands are turned over at showdown, notice who's holding what. Try to recall betting patterns earlier in the hand. When possible make notes of players' patterns.

This is a dangerous tip but bluffing can be a powerful poker strategy but it should only be used sparingly. It's not a good idea to bluff a loose player. It's unlikely they will fold. Your best chance to successfully bluff is when you're up against a tight player with a relatively small pot.

Generally, I think these basic poker strategies apply to all forms of poker. Do bear in mind that each variation of poker is quite different and will have its own specific strategies and tactics. The best way to win at poker is to learn these strategies and practice, practice, practice. Like any skill it will take time and effort to become a proficient and dangerous poker player.

Good luck ....!!


Advanced Poker Strategy for Tournaments!

To all you poker maniacs , I have stumbled upon a very interesting article on the web about the advance poker stratergies. This will be a good way to sharpen your skills at poker!

This article was taken at this website :

"Advanced Poker Strategy for Tournaments - How To Move Beyond Playing Only Your Cards - The beauty of poker is that it is easy to learn but almost impossible to fully master. A player who has learned the basics of poker strategy including starting hand selection, the various kinds of odds and table position looking at advanced poker strategy tips and information needs to cover many areas. This article suggests 5 advanced poker strategy areas that can improve any player's poker skills.

Advanced Poker Strategy Area #1 - Game Theory
Game theory is actually a branch of mathematics which looks at situations where 2 or more people have conflicting interests. It can be applied to poker in many ways. The most common example is 'Optimal Bluffing Strategy' in which you aim to randomize your bluffs in a way that is 'unexploitable' by opponents. This advanced poker strategy involves making your bluff frequency exactly the same as the odds your opponent receives to call the final bet.

Advanced Poker Strategy Area #2 - The Independent Chip Model (ICM)
ICM is a model which gives a tournament player's chip stack a dollar value based on prize pool distribution and the stacks of remaining players. It is then used to calculate your true risk - in terms of dollars not chips - when making a decision during play. This advanced poker strategy is commonly used in Sit and Go tournaments but can be equally useful in multi-table poker tournaments.

Advanced Poker Strategy Area #3 - Heads-Up Poker Play
There are actually 2 advanced poker strategies designed for heads-up play. Both are used at the end of tournaments and rely on math to ensure that an opponent has no numerical way to exploit you. The first is known as the SAGE system and the second 'Nash-Equilibrium'. Becoming an expert in these systems will help you reach that number one spot - where the big payout is.

Advanced Poker Strategy Area #4 - Stack Size Flexibility and Inflection Points
Made famous by Dan Harrington the concept of 'M', zones and inflection points is a must for players learning advanced poker strategy for tournaments. You can calculate your 'M' score at any point during a tournament by dividing your chips by the blinds and antes. This score is then used to assign a 'zone' which dictates your strategy as you travel through inflection points (changes between zones).

Advanced Poker Strategy Area #5 - Rail-Birding The Online Pros
Watching the professional online tournament players at work is a great way to pick up advanced poker strategy tips. Effective rail-birding involves analyzing the hand as a whole rather than just the cards in play. Stack-sizes and reads are just two of the many things to watch out for.

Mark R Holland is an online poker pro, blogger and writer for high-quality poker sites. For great poker strategy articles and tips covering SNGs, Poker Tournaments and Satellite Qualifiers visit Online Poker Tournament Strategy Tips today."

Author: Ezine Articles - Mark R Holland"

I sure do hope that this article is a good help to all especially if you are looking forward to winning in the next tournament!!!

Good luck !!!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tell-tale signs of Teenage Gambling

Gambling is something most people do occasionally as a form of recreation. They play Poker, buy a lottery ticket, bet occasionally during a major sporting event, or drop a penny into a machine. When the draw or the game is over, they move on to other non-gambling activities such as tracking, sporting, and so on. Unfortunately, there are some people, where gambling becomes an addiction which then becomes a problem.

Here are some signs if a teenager is into gambling :

Regular absences from home, school or even work
Constantly asking for money, or borrowing from friends and family
"A BLACK Box" containing gambling "item" in the room for example lottery tickets, betting sheets, cards
Unexplained debts or windfall cash
Increase phone bills and maybe random phone calls from strangers
Increased day dreaming and anxiety
Extreme moodiness and constant grumpiness
Withdrawal from family and friends, relationships, school groups or activities

Therefore, please take note of these signs and help your loved ones from this "gambling sickness"!


Monday, June 16, 2008

Truely Annoyed

Well, I had written a truly long article on " Free Online Gambling, A Risk to Teenagers". After editing it, checking its spelling and hit the save now button it hung for awhile then an error message popped up! And there it went, my whole article was lost in cyber space.

Annoyed with this situation, this is why this note is being written. As much as there is an option to save now, I think the article should be done on MS Word, saved there and then copied to posting panel in I know it's double trouble, but at least you're initial article will not be lost in cyber space.


Free Online Gambling Brings Negativity toYoungsters!!

Drungs, Alcohol and Sex are the everyday concern for parents, teachers and community leaders. They talk to children about these topics in hope to reducing this risky behovior. I personalLy think that officials, teachers and parents should try preventing online gambling.

Free online gambling has most certainly become the most popular pass time activity among most youths. Free online gambling introdueces teenagers and young adults to gambling and slowly grooms them to other forms in which money is then being used to gamble in achieving greater thrills and taking it to new levels of excitements!

Generalization has been done by saying that gambling is exciting, fun, risk- free and stimulating. However, I will have to disagree with the statement.
There are thousands of gambling sites on the Internet that are offering everything from poker to casino type gambling. Most of these sites offer the optioin of gambling for free or for real money. Online gambling is hustle- free, convenient and easily accessible by all as it can be at home at any time, most often under no supervision from parents. It's low level of physical exertion and high level of stimulation most definately appeal to youths, many of whom are tech-savvy and have excess to the internet.

One needs to recognize the risk factors and when it becomes a problem! It's a problem when one is spending too much time or money (doing it). Gambling, is when you bet something of value on an event with an uncertain outcome. That something often is money but also can be time, emotion or attention.

The most known fact that free online gambling can be an attention grabber for youths, who think they're not doing anything harmful, as it doesn't involve money. Hence, the odds of winning tend to be much higher when there's no money involved. This tends to create a notion that they're skillful or lucky, or that they can win money at other games. This most deffinately disconnects them from reality of the situaltion and they may want to keep playing it more and more. But if they are gambling with money, they are at risk of many other things such as loss of money, identity theft. Although online gambling is growing in popularity, there are no guarante of a payout. Although one may not be gambling with money, gambling was always associated with alcohol. They may bindge drink but it may turn into an unhealthy lifstyle leading to alcolohlism.

Therefore, free online gambling should be curb at an early stage. Parents and teachers should advice teenagers about online gambling of its pros and cons.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Life is a Gamble

When I was young, I have always loved taekwondo. I enrolled myself in Taekwondo when I was 8 and pursued it. I never skipped a training session and was always looking forward to the next one! Then one day my Taekwondo master told me that he wanted me to take part in a WTF Teenage championship. I was hell scared, but the idea of being in a championship was over whelming. Its was a mixture of feelings , happy and excited but at the same time I was scared and uncertain. The decision was mine to make and a gamble to take. I agreed and before I knew it, I was training everyday for a month. It was hard, non-stop training for 2 solid hours. I had to miss my favorite television programmes to go for the training. I had to spar with other black belts and senior masters. This was done to prep me up for the big day.

The day had come and I was more ready than ever to take down anyone who came my path. There were many knock out levels before one could go to the finals. I still remember seeing all the young eager teenagers looking forward to being the champion for the day!

We all registered and was given our opponents name and number for the 1st round. The time has come to put all my skills and my tough training to good use. I was ready to win this title and go home as the Champion. I manage to knock out everyone that came my path. Then I came to the semi- finals and I realised my opponent was twice my size and was much taller than me. I started to panic and my heart started pounding faster. I was extremely tired and almost felt like giving up. Then I realised, I have come this far and I wasn't going to give up without a fight. I knew it was a gamble I was going to take and the chances of me winning was slim as she was Black belt and I was only Brown 2. But, I was not ready to give up my dream of being the champion.

I got into the ring with my head up, blood rushing to my feet and I was ready to take her down too. I managed to score some points but she was beating me up nicely. Then she moved in and decided to step on my foot on purpose. She was penalized for doing so. I took a time out, my eyes were teary from the pain i was going through and i could barely stand straight. I was in enormous pain but my Taekwondo master rubbed my leg with ointment. He told me, " It was a gamble you took when you registered for this championship, are you going to just throw this Championship away because you're weak?" Those words rang loudly in my eardrums and I wasn't going to let the pain take over my emotions, so I went straight back to the ring and continued the fight with a limp on one leg. I was determined to bring this baby giant down and I did!!! I won that match and was now in running to be the crowed Champion!!!

In the finals, I was up against another black belt but only this time she was not twice my size but she was taller than me. That didn't worry me and I knew this Championship was mine!! I took her down with ease and was named the Champion!! It was an experience I will never forget. It was my very 1st championship and it wasn't my last! I have gone for 6 other Championships after that and I have never lost a single Championship!

Therefore, I see life as a gamble. It is how much you're willing to risk and how much you're willing to sacrifice to chase your dreams and goals. Take a gamble and change your life for the better!



Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bluffing Online..

Love online poker?? Now here are a few interesting ways to bluff online and win the big bucks!
There are some differences between live and online poker in regards to bluffing. As a general rule, players tend to bluff a little more often on the Internet than they do in a live game. The virtual environment of the Internet makes many players play a little more deceptively then they would do against a live opponent. The virtual atmosphere also makes it a whole lot easier to commit your chips since you only have to click your mouse. Compare this ambiance to a live game where you have to physically move your chips to the center of the table while your opponents are watching your every move. Therefore, you may need to keep your opponents honest a little more online than you would do in a live game.

On the other hand, your opponents are will tend to call your bluffs a little more often than they would in a live game since they also recognize that players tend to bluff quite often on the Internet. Calling is also easier online since they only have to click their mouse. Because of this, you will have to consider bluffing more carefully when online.

One more thing about bluffing is that some of its value is that when you bluff often, your opponents will tend to call more often, too, which may prove useful when you have a strong hand. But online this "advertising" value of bluffing is decreased, comparing to a live play. A general assumption will also be that people playing online, are usually paying less attention to the game, so they may not notice your bluffs. On top of that, your opponents switch more often, so you won't have enough time to create an image of a person who bluffs often (or, on the contrary, never bluffs). Still, if the online poker game you are playing continue for a considerable time with the same players, you may get some benefit from this strategy.You may be cashing in on the BIG BUCKS !!! =)

So to all the crazy online poker fans... good luck!!!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Poker Tips to Make You a Better Player

Poker.. poker .. and more poker... I am dreaming of poker these days. It's a little crazy as I have been reading up and playing online poker to step up my game for an internal poker tournament! I do realize that the competition will be steep but I will have to try my hand in it! Here are some tips I read to make you a better player.

1. Don't Play Every Hand / Do Fold More
Probably most obvious mistake beginning poker players make is that they play far too many hands. When you are a beginner, you want to play poker, and that means staying in hands that aren't very good just to be part of the action. But playing more doesn't mean winning more, it usually means losing more. If you find you're staying in half or more the hands you're dealt, you need to upgrade your starting hand requirements.

Don't Play Drunk
I am on asuming that this does not really happen here in Malaysia but I have encountered this when I was in Casinos in Australia, Canada and London. The one thing that I have noticed them get plastered silly and throw away their entire stack of chips. Good thing I have never been in that position before. The truth is, while you may be more relaxed after 2 drinks, it may lead to you playing looser and less sharply, even if one's not 'drunk.'

Don't Bluff Just For Bluffing's Sake
A lot of beginner's understand that bluffing is a part of poker, but not exactly how. There's is NO rule that one must bluff a certain amount or at all during a poker game, but many players don't feel like they've won unless they've tried a poker bluff. Bluffs only work in certain situations & against certain people, and if you know a player always calls to the showdown, it is literally impossible to bluff that player. It's better never to bluff than to bluff "just to bluff."

Don't Stay in a Hand Just Because You're Already In It
Another common mistake beginners make is to think that "Well, I've already put that much in the pot, I have to stay in now." Nope. You can't win a pot just by throwing money at it. There may be cases when pot odds warrant a call, but if you're sure you're beaten, and there's no way your hand can improve to be the best hand, you should fold right away. The money you've already put in the pot isn't yours anymore, and you can't get it back just by playing a hand all the way to the end.

Don't Call at the End of a Hand to "Keep Someone Honest"
This one follows the last tip. I see a lot of players look at another player's final bet, look at the hand, & say "I know you've got me, but I have to keep you honest," as they throw in a final call. It may be worth it to see if a player really has the hand if you're not sure & you're gaining information that will help you later on, but if you really feel a player has the hand he's representing & you're beat, why give him another pile of your money? Those bets will add up over an evening.

Don't Play When Mad, Sad, or in a Generally Bad Mood
When you play poker, you shouldn't do it to escape from being depressed or having a really bad day. You start out on tilt, playing emotionally, not rationally and you won't play your best. Likewise, if during a poker game, you lose a big hand or get sucked out on and feel yourself going on tilt, stand up & take a break until you feel calm later on. Fellow players will sense your mood & take advantage of it.

Do Pay Attention to the Cards on the Table
When you first start playing, it's enough just to remember how to play and pay attention to your own hand. But once you've got that down, it's incredibly important to look at what's going on at the table. In Texas Hold'em, figure out what the best possible hand would be to fit the flop. Make sure you notice flush & straight possibilities. In 7-card stud, pay attention to what's showing & what people have folded when you consider calling opponents.

Do Pay Attention to the Other Players
As you play, one of the single best things you can do is observe your opponents, even when you're not in a hand. If you know if one player always raises in a certain position, & another has a poker tell when he bluffs, & a 3rd folds to every re-raise, you can use that information to help you decide how to play against them. Once you know that player 3 always folds to a re-raise on a river, that's when you can bluff & steal a pot.

Don't Play at too High Limits
There are many reasons people move up to a higher limit game than they usually play. Good reasons like they've been winning consistently at a lower lever & are ready to move up, & bad reasons like the line is shorter for higher limits or you want to impress someone. Don't play at stakes that make you think about the actual money in terms of day-to-day life or with money you can't lose. Even if you had one super-good night at $2/4, resist the urge to play $5/10. The next tip explains more why.

Do Pick the Right Game for Your Skill Level & Bankroll
One of the reasons you shouldn't jump into a $5/10 game after winning a huge bunch of money at $2/4 is because as the stakes rise, so does the average skill level of the players sitting there. You want to be one of the best at the table, not the fish who sits down with sharks. If you're making stacks of money at a lower level game, why move? You're winning stacks of money. The swings up & down at higher limits are much bigger, and one big night's win won't last long at a high-stakes game.

Good Luck !!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Road Tax reduction...Woohoo!!!

I was going through The Star Online and stumbled upon this interesting piece of news.
It reads,

"SEPANG: Road users may enjoy further road tax reductions, Transport Minister Datuk Ong Tee Keat disclosed.

The ministry was studying this possibility and had asked the Road Transport Department to collate the relevant information, he said.

He hoped that the road tax would be reduced further after he passes on the details to the Finance Ministry.

“Of course it depends on the overall fiscal situation,” he said after a working visit to MASKargo yesterday.

On Wednesday, the Government announced a RM200 reduction on road tax for private vehicles with engine capacity above 2,000cc, and RM50 reduction on road tax for private motorcycles with engine capacity above 250cc.

Also announced were rebates of RM625 a year for private vehicles with engine capacity of up to 2,000cc, and private pick-up trucks and jeeps with engine capacity of up to 2500cc.

Rebates of RM150 will be given to private motorcycles with engine capacity of up to 250cc.

Asked if public transportation would receive further subsidies following the fuel price rise, Ong said the Cabinet Committee on Public Transportation would discuss it further.

“Of course, certain things have yet to be worked out. Some of the input, initiatives and proposals will be discussed by the committee.

At this juncture, it (further public transport subsidy) is still open-ended,” he said."

Yes, I think all Malaysians are very alarmed with this current decision in the increase of petrol. I personally know people that were driving individual cars are starting to car pool, people who took cabs are finding other alternatives as they are scared that they will be charged higher cab fares with the current increase in petrol prices, and some are looking into moving closer to their working place to reduce the driving distance and avoiding traffic jams during peak hours.

Therefore, with the tax reduction being implemented most people will be able to lead their normal lifestyles without making drastic changes. I hope this will be implemented soon!!!


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Want to win at an Online Poker Tournament? Try this, it may help!

I was going through some articles that was giving all sorts of tips on being a winner at an Online poker tournament. I have compiled some tips to get you started in being a CHAMPION!
To be successful in the Internet poker world, one should try to adopt this simple strategy:

1. Pick a Poker table where there's lots of action
Popular poker sites that have huge numbers of players at their online poker tournaments at any given time, day or night. You will be guaranteed to always find action here and the poker tables fill up very quickly. This is a good thing for you, because they can't all be good poker players! :o)

2. Pick a stake level you're comfortable with
Don't go charging straight to the $100 tables if you've never player poker before, you need to start small and work your way up so start at the low end of the scale until you find yourself winning there, then move up. Consider it as your apprenticeship into becoming a fully fledged poker player.

3. Fold almost all of your hands
This is the hardest part especially for new players. They fold a few hands then they'll see a flop of J J 6 when they've just folded the J 6 and the cautious approach goes straight out the window. Remember for every hand that you would have won, there are probably five that you wouldn't so stick to the game plan.

4. When you do get a big hand, bet it aggressively
If you're using this strategy, you need to win the pots when you do land a monster hand so you need to come out betting strongly. Avoid slow play and trying to lay traps unless you really know what you are doing, most of the time these tactics just let your opponent have a cheap look at the next card which could make his hand a winner.

5. Change your tactics as the game goes on
As players are knocked out, hands that you would have been folding in the early stages become more attractive so you should start to consider lesser hands, especially in late position in the dealing. This has the added advantage of unsettling your opponents who have become used to seeing you folding almost every hand.

6. Don't go all-in
Your aim is to get into the final three so that you're in the money. Don't go all-in unless you know that you have the best hand. There's no harm in putting an opponent who's short stacked all-in though, take the opportunity to get rid of any players you can from the game.

Being successful in online poker tournaments is relatively simple (although I am still trying to be the best), you just need to have a plan and have the patience and strength of character to sick to it.


24 Hours stores/ shops closed??

Woke up this morning and was listening to the radio and was alarmed to hear the headlines in the News Straits Times that said that 24 hours stores and shops to be closed.
Their argument being that it will save electricity and will reduce the 'lepak' culture . Wow, dont you think that is a little over the top?

According to the Wikipedia, " Mamak stalls tend to be popular among Malaysian youths as hang out spots, due to cheap food and beverages being served as well as being open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The mamak stall has been etched permanently into Malaysian culture, much in part because of its ubiquitous nature. The mamak stall is very much a melting pot of cultures, a symbol of multiracial harmony. People of all races, religions and ages frequent mamak stalls to gossip or catch a late-night football game while enjoying a cup of hot teh tarik or Milo Ais. No other eatery has quite as much cultural significance in Malaysia, save for the kopi tiam."

The Mamak is deffinately no where close to al fresco dining as it is a sidewalk hangout spot, the mamak stall has become a permanent fixture in many parts of Malaysia, especially within the state of Selangor, particularly in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya. It is eminently popular among teenagers and young adults who look at these stalls as a clean (up to one's discretion) and safe place to gather with friends to while the night away. One can call it an option to clubs and bars, or rather the only option after the clubs and bars are closed. On the other hand, we are certain that it has brought about a new city trend, a uniquely Malaysian culture, one that demonstrates the fact that cities like Kuala Lumpur, never really go to sleep.

The 24 hours convenient stores are there for a reason. Many of these stores are fully equipped with almost all the necessary product ranging from electronics, Engine Oils, car accessories, daily products such as soap, facial wash, sanitary and so on, food, junk food, drinks, emergency/ medical products ranging from plaster, panadols, antiseptics and so on! These days, petrol station stores also have a mini dining area with hot foods, just to name a few are fresh DIY hot dogs, instant noodles corner, pastries, and more. The reason, these stores are open are to ensure that people's needs are being met and that in case of an emergency that are places one can go to, to seek help or grab a quick bite when one is hungry.

These stores also cater to people that are driving long distance or traveling on the road at late hours at night or wee in the morning. These places allow one to rest and relax while on a long journey. Not only catering for people that are on the road at odd times but also cater to the people that work on a 24 hour shift.

Here is a scenario to ponder upon, "One finishes work at 3 am, and wants to grab a bite as he/ she is hungry. But with all the shops closed at this hour one has no other choice but to head back home immediately with a hungry stomach. On top of that, one needs to go to bed with an empty stomach which in the long run may cause gastritis."

Therefore, I think these store/ stalls should be left alone and not be closed down. Shutting them down only means, removing a distinctive Malaysian Culture. Who are we with no culture??


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mobile Advertising Crucial to Reaching Consumers in Economic Downturn

Woke up this morning and I was listening to the morning crew. They asked a question, "What would you do in an Economic Downturn?" Callers were calling and sharing their thoughts and views. A lady called saying that she will cycle to work to save on fuel and to get a great work out first thing in the morning. A guy called and said that we would car pool or even move to a neighbourhood closer to work. Another said she will become a vegetarian and consume less rice. A lot of them said that they will cut down on shopping for clothes, and electronics such as television, computers and so on.
The irony of it all, no one mentioned about reducing the usage of the mobile phones. I was reading this article and realised the power of mobile advertising as it is crucial to reaching its consumers in this economic downturn. Everyone is cutting down on all other expenses but none have thought about reducing the usage of a mobile phone. Hence, almost everyone owns a mobile phone and with registered users details, targeted mobile advertising will be able to take place.

SMS are affordable and maybe its the next best thing! Woo hoo...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sadden By Discrimination

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun was up, the birds were chirping (haha don't think I even saw a bird that day) but it was a sunny morning. My boyfriend and I decided to make a trip to Genthing Highlands. So we frove up there just the two of us. As we reached, parking was hard to get as it was a school holiday, on top of that it was also a weekend. But we manage to get parking after going round in circles.

The day was chilly and we head inside to 'make some money :o)' We walked about trying to scan the scene to see which will be our lucky table. I only gambled once before this and this was going to be my 2nd one! So I didnt want to rush into anything and loose my money. We walked about for a good half an hour before I sat down at Mini Dice. I manage to pick up the game as I had no idea what / how to play the game. Almost clueless but I observed the game before I tried my hand in making some money. Made some money, I told myself its time to leave a happy women!! hahaha

We walked about more just to see all the different tables that were opened that day. I came across some strange gambling tables. Just to name you a few, Pontoon, Three Picture and Three Card Poker and many more. To some these are the normal gambling tables but I has no clue what these were. All sounded alien to me! So I was on a mission to find out what these games were. There was an information counter there and I was ditermined to find out how to play these games so I could try my luck. I went to the counter and there was this Chinese lady standing behind the counter and explaining to a couple. There were brochures there on the table and I picked it up to read up on the games there. There were sample cards explaining the game too. I decided to briefly ask her on the samples that were shown on the table. To my surprise, the lady looked at me and smiled and completely ignored my question. Thinking she may have not heard my question, I repeated the question. This time, she completley ignored me and continued speaking to the other couple that was there. I was pissed as hell and decided to walk way! Now not only I had no clue what these weird games were, I was disciminated by the Customer Service personel!!! I think this is very bad reputation for the reputation of Genthing Highlands. Known for its world class Casino, I think they should put in more resources in hiring someone that speaks English and not only Chinese as it says CUSTOMER SERVICE !!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Gambling Superstitions

Gambling superstitions

As said in one of my previous blogs, I will elaborate on my experience in Genthing Highlands. I may come across as being a racist in this article as it is a known fact that most or I can calmly say majority of the gamblers up there are Chinese. I am not being racist but this was my honest observation and knowledge.

These are some superstitions that are very common among Chinese people or a gambling fanatic in Asia:

  • Don't count money during a gambling session. ( My dad stopped gambling because I asked him how much he has made so far! Crazy, maybe not! )
  • Stay away from sex and females (for men)
  • Avoid seeing monks or nuns before going to a casino.
  • Wear red underwear when gambling. (I have seen this with my own eyes!)
  • Do not touch someone's shoulder while he is gambling. (Gosh, I almost got into trouble with this old lady because my handbag was touching her shoulders. She gave me a good stare! I knew I should back off!! haha )
  • Females are more likely to win during their period. (I was talking to this young lady who won a large sum of money from a poker table and I congratulated her. Then I asked her what's your secret and she said " I have my period, and its good luck!" Wow! I never knew that PMS was a good sign to gamble!)
  • Don't check into hotels with bad numbers like 4 or 14.
  • Don't enter casinos through their main entrance for it is cursed. (My uncle always told me that as he was a big gambler!)
  • Switch on all the lights at home before going out to gamble. (Light to shine your way, darkness will bring you down! Muahahah)

The Chinese can be very superstitious, especially when it comes to gambling. Some Chinese gambling superstition thinking and behavior have become essential parts of the Chinese culture and are popularly accepted by most of the population.

Chinese believe that picking the right numbers can affect one's fortune. Some Chinese gamblers even avoid certain hotel room numbers or even parking lot numbers like "58" (sounds similar to "won't prosper" in Cantonese) or "4" (sounds similar to "die" in Cantonese) and choose positive hotel room numbers like "18" (sounds similar to "will definitely prosper" in Cantonese) or "84" (sounds similar to "prosperous until death" in Cantonese).

To a Chinese person, the number "8" relates to prosperity and the number "4" is relates to death. Numbers such as "3", "6" and "9" are also considered to be good numbers that, when combined correctly with the number "8" or other numbers, can contribute to good chances of winning when gambling. A combination of so-called good numbers include "1388" (which sounds similar to "prosperity in one's lifetime" in Cantonese), "998" (sounds similar to "prosper for a long time" in Cantonese) and "168" (sounds similar to "prosper all the way" in Cantonese). 888 casino is one of the examples of a successful casinos online, leverages the meaning of the number "8" to create a very strong brand under domain name.

Picking the wrong numbers, however, can spell big trouble. A Chinese gambler will avoid staying in "wrong" hotel rooms, with bad numbers and will generally stay away from such numbers before going to a casino. Superstitious gamblers might also perform rituals that will bless the gambler with good fortune and will keep away bad luck such as praying, offering fruits to the gods etc.

So there it is..some of the few superstitions that are commonly known to most Malaysians or gamblers. Hope you enjoyed the read!


The Do's And Don'ts Of Online Gambling

For every positive, there's a negative that goes along with it. There's a proven method to bypass that grizzly creature on your video game and a way to seriously screw it up. For any area, of progression a set of rules for Do's and Don'ts apply. This certainly holds true in regard to the successful industry of online gambling. Since money is often involved, any interested player should know what and what not to do in the way of casino games.


Always know what you are getting yourself into before you decide to jump the gun! You never wish to dive into anything without prior knowledge. One may be well versed from poker to the craps table. Find one game you're most confident/ good at and scope it out first. There are thousands of websites offer online gambling where you can play for free or compete for cash prizes. Be sure to inquire within the casino to get the details on the exact services they provide.


One of the worst things any player can ever do is to increase a wager after losing a couple of rounds. By doubling up you're going for a bigger reward yet taking greater risks. Some employ this strategy because they feel the pendulum will eventually swing in their favor. This is normally a sign of frustration and an act of desperation. Don't ever step over your financial boundaries. If you lose consecutive hands proceed with caution. Whether it's on the strip or an online casino, a player never wants to lose focus and make irrational bets.


Before signing up for online gaming one needs to do some investigating. Gambling is embraced internationally yet still illegal in some areas. Be sure that the preferred website accepts players from your locality. More importantly, regulations of your surroundings should be checked to guarantee your eligibility. No need to set yourself up for failure. Taking a little time to research online gambling procedures is something you certainly want to do.


In search of that perfect online gambling site you'll encounter several offering attractive bonuses and incentives. A one hundred percent money back guarantee sounds great but what does the fine print consist of? Don't jump into a program that offers a bonus with strict limitations. For example, the one hundred dollars they're offering to refund may come after a certain number of plays and a combination of how ever many wins the underlying terms state. Though rare and seldom seen, a handful of sites do offer generous incentives. After thoroughly reading the conditions there's absolutely nothing wrong with accepting online gambling rewards.


Online gambling is just that - taking risks for fun, excitement or profit. Understand that even the most effective strategies won't always make you a champion. A player should never look toward this industry as a main source of income or a serious career. Clear your mind, remain cautious of all losses and have a blast.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rambling on Gambling ...

Gambling ?? Poker?? Black Jack?? All these words are very common but it's alien to me as I have not gambled before. The closest I have come to gambling was playing Bluff with my college mates. The only casinos' I have been to are Genthing Highlands in Malaysia and Ruby Room in Perth. I do not gamble simply because I have the fear of loosing my money and paranoid of being bankrupt one day if i get addicted to the game. I know this may sound silly but it's a known fact that once one starts gambling its addictive and unstoppable!

According to Wiki, "Gambling has a specific economic definition, referring to wagering money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period of time." Having said that, there are many different types of gambling such as casino games, table games, electronic gaming, non casino gambling games, parimutuel batting, sports betting and many more. I did not realize that there were so many different types of gambling methods until I stumble upon an article online.

There are many other users of the term gambling. The many risk-return choices are too referred to colloquially as "gambling." Whether this terminology is acceptable is a matter of debate, but generally the following activities are not considered gambling:

  • Emotional or physical risk-taking, where the risk-return ratio is not quantifiable (e.g., skydiving, bunji jumping, asking someone for a date, etc.)
  • Insurance is a method of shifting risk from one party to another. Insurers use actuarial methods to calculate appropriate premiums, which could be considered similar to calculating gambling odds. However, insurers can set their premiums to obtain a long term positive expected return.
  • Investments are also not considered gambling, although some investments can or may involve a significant risk. Some examples of this nature are bonds, stock or even starting a business can be considered as investment.
I enjoy the psychological aspects of gambling especially the 'problem of gambling'. According to some studies carried out, many people participate in gambling as a form of entertainment or fun or even as a means to gain an income. Gambling like any other behavior can become a psychological addiction and can become a harmful behavior to some people. Reinforcement schedules will lead gamblers persist in gambling even after repeated losses. Also the false perception of "getting rich quick" or even "I need to make up for my losses" may lead to a negative outcome. This will lead to negative outcomes such as dept, unhealthy living habits, destruction of self and many more.

There are many times that I have gone to the casino in Genthing Highlands and I have come across many funny characters. I will share some of this in my next blog...
Stay tuned to more insights on gambling ....


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baby Steps.. maybe not!

It's dark, gloomy and no one is in the office. There is complete silence except for the buzzing noise of the air conditioning in the office. I walk towards my desk and switch on the computer, grab a warm glass of water and wait till the screen comes on. Sitting in this 'red' chair and reflecting on the past days and how I can become better, how I be the best I can be at this very new field I'm in, how I can improve my gaming skills, how am I going to absorb all the information that is available to me, what are the challenges that will come across my path in time to come and I realize that there are so many questions I can ask myself. Some can be answered and some may not be answered right away and some things I may never ever find out.
I find myself gazing at the screen not knowing where to start or what I should do next. Noticing that time is passing me by and I have yet to open anything on my computer, I tell myself "Baby steps, and slowly but surely you will catch up!" Then another voice speaks up, "What do you mean slowly but surely? There is no time to lay back and relax! Come on, move it! Absorb and learn as much as you can, you have no time to waste! Time is everything and you need to make the best of everything!" Then a smile comes upon my face with relief as now I know all I really need to do is to get to work and just do it! (Oh how I love that caption from Nike! "Just Do It" )

So , I pick up from where I left, which was staring at the screen to start opening up my emails, getting down to the nitty- gritty details of this amazing new field! Now my day has began and I'm ready to start absorbing and learning as much as I can to make the best of the day! It's back to work now and will probably add on to this lil short blog or come up with a whole new blog tomorrow.

Tip: Make the best of it, no matter what the circumstances are!
