Here are some Poker hand names... The next time you're on the table and someone shouts out these term, then you'll know what they mean !!! Have fun going through the list as there are many to memorize.. hehe
A-A Pocket Rockets, American Airlines, Bullets, Two Pips.
A-K Big Slick.
A-Q Little Slick, Big Chick, Mrs. Slick
A-J Blackjack, Ajax, Jackass
A-T Johnny Moss, A-Team, Bookends
A-8 Dead Man's Hand (hand held by Wild Bill Hickock's when he was shot.Two pair,aces and eights)
A-3 Baskin-Robbins
A-2 Acey-Deucey, Drinking Age
K-K Cowboys, Elvis Presley, King Kong, Ace Magnets
K-Q Marriage, Royalty
K-Q suited Royal Marriage
K-Q unsuited Mixed Marriage
K-J Kojak, King John
K-9 Canine, Dog, Fido.
K-8 Kokomo
K-7 King Salmon, Columbia River.
K-3 King Crab, Alaska Hand.
Q-Q Cowgirls, Ladies, Four Tits, Bitches
Q-J Maverick (the theme tune of the TV show mentions "living on jacks and queens")
Q-T Q-Tip
Q-9 Quinine, Goolsby.
Q-7 Computer Hand
Q-3 Gay Waiter, San Francisco Busboy ("Queen with a tray")
Q-3 Suited Posh Gay Waiter
J-J Fishhooks, Hooks, Jokers, Johnnies
J-T Cloutier (as in: T. J. Cloutier)
J-7 Jack Daniel's
J-6 Railroad Hand
J-5 Motown, Jackson Five
J-4 Flat Tyre, what's a jack for??????
T-T Dimes, TNT
T-5 Five and Dime, Woolworths
T-4 Over and Out, Roger That, Good Buddy, Broderick Crawford
T-3 Weinberg
T-2 Doyle Brunson, because in the 1976 and 1977 World Series he won with this hand.
9-9 German Virgin (no, no).
9-8 Oldsmobile.
9-6 Big Lick, (reverse number 69).
9-6 suited Prom Night
9-5 Dolly Parton (as in her hit song from the film), Full-time job
9-4 Gold Rush (gold rush of 49)
9-2 Montana Banana
8-8 Snowmen, Infinities, Double Infinity, two fat ladies.
8-6 Maxwell Smart (as in Agent 86 in Get Smart)
8-5 Finky dink
8-3 Raquel Welch
7-7 Hockey Sticks, Candy Canes, Walking Sticks
7-6 Trombones (as in the song "76 Trombones"), Union Oil
7-5 Heinz, (as in 57 varieties)
7-4 Double Down
7-3 Joe Hachem (the hand he won the main event of the 2005 world series with)
7-2 offsuit The Hammer (the worst possible starting hand) Beer Hand (you should drink a beer rather than attempt to play these cards.)
7-2 suited Velvet Hammer
6-9 Joe Bernstein
6-6 Route 66
6-3 Blocky
6-2 Ainsworth
5-7 Pickle Man
5-5 Presto, Nickels, speed limit
5-4 Moneymaker, the winning hand at the World Series in 2003 for Chris Moneymaker.
4-5 Jesse James
4-4 Sailboats, Midlife Crisis, Darth Vader (clubs and spades - sounds like 'Darce Force').
3-9 Jack Benny
3-5 Bully Johnson
3-3 Crabs, Hooters
3-2 Can of Corn
2-9 Twiggy
2-4 Lumberman's Hand
2-2 Ducks, Swans, Sleepers, Quack Quack
6-6-6 Kotch
4-4-4 Grand Jury
A-A Pocket Rockets, American Airlines, Bullets, Two Pips.
A-K Big Slick.
A-Q Little Slick, Big Chick, Mrs. Slick
A-J Blackjack, Ajax, Jackass
A-T Johnny Moss, A-Team, Bookends
A-8 Dead Man's Hand (hand held by Wild Bill Hickock's when he was shot.Two pair,aces and eights)
A-3 Baskin-Robbins
A-2 Acey-Deucey, Drinking Age
K-K Cowboys, Elvis Presley, King Kong, Ace Magnets
K-Q Marriage, Royalty
K-Q suited Royal Marriage
K-Q unsuited Mixed Marriage
K-J Kojak, King John
K-9 Canine, Dog, Fido.
K-8 Kokomo
K-7 King Salmon, Columbia River.
K-3 King Crab, Alaska Hand.
Q-Q Cowgirls, Ladies, Four Tits, Bitches
Q-J Maverick (the theme tune of the TV show mentions "living on jacks and queens")
Q-T Q-Tip
Q-9 Quinine, Goolsby.
Q-7 Computer Hand
Q-3 Gay Waiter, San Francisco Busboy ("Queen with a tray")
Q-3 Suited Posh Gay Waiter
J-J Fishhooks, Hooks, Jokers, Johnnies
J-T Cloutier (as in: T. J. Cloutier)
J-7 Jack Daniel's
J-6 Railroad Hand
J-5 Motown, Jackson Five
J-4 Flat Tyre, what's a jack for??????
T-T Dimes, TNT
T-5 Five and Dime, Woolworths
T-4 Over and Out, Roger That, Good Buddy, Broderick Crawford
T-3 Weinberg
T-2 Doyle Brunson, because in the 1976 and 1977 World Series he won with this hand.
9-9 German Virgin (no, no).
9-8 Oldsmobile.
9-6 Big Lick, (reverse number 69).
9-6 suited Prom Night
9-5 Dolly Parton (as in her hit song from the film), Full-time job
9-4 Gold Rush (gold rush of 49)
9-2 Montana Banana
8-8 Snowmen, Infinities, Double Infinity, two fat ladies.
8-6 Maxwell Smart (as in Agent 86 in Get Smart)
8-5 Finky dink
8-3 Raquel Welch
7-7 Hockey Sticks, Candy Canes, Walking Sticks
7-6 Trombones (as in the song "76 Trombones"), Union Oil
7-5 Heinz, (as in 57 varieties)
7-4 Double Down
7-3 Joe Hachem (the hand he won the main event of the 2005 world series with)
7-2 offsuit The Hammer (the worst possible starting hand) Beer Hand (you should drink a beer rather than attempt to play these cards.)
7-2 suited Velvet Hammer
6-9 Joe Bernstein
6-6 Route 66
6-3 Blocky
6-2 Ainsworth
5-7 Pickle Man
5-5 Presto, Nickels, speed limit
5-4 Moneymaker, the winning hand at the World Series in 2003 for Chris Moneymaker.
4-5 Jesse James
4-4 Sailboats, Midlife Crisis, Darth Vader (clubs and spades - sounds like 'Darce Force').
3-9 Jack Benny
3-5 Bully Johnson
3-3 Crabs, Hooters
3-2 Can of Corn
2-9 Twiggy
2-4 Lumberman's Hand
2-2 Ducks, Swans, Sleepers, Quack Quack
6-6-6 Kotch
4-4-4 Grand Jury
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