Monday, June 30, 2008

Crash Course to the type of players in a No limit Texas Hold'em.

Here is a littel crash course to the type of players in a No limit Texas Hold'em.

Top of the list would deffinately be knowing your opponents. If you don’t know the types of players you’re sitting with at a no limit table, save some money for the slots. I can raise you to that, that you’re going to be blown off the table. That said, once you identified the type of people you’re playing against, you can become the predator. Here are the main types of opponents you need to keep your eyes peeled for.

In a no limit table, you’re going to see 3 or 4 types of players. The only thing that really makes them different from each other is how aggressively they play. Some of them may play a lot of hands and bet like physco maniacs. On the other hand, others play conservatively and bet like they’re playing with their tuition fees. Ok, here goes :

Tight-Passive Players - These are the "chicken"of the table. They rather not play a lot of hands in a showdown and they bet very conservatively. Ops, no offense if you’re a tight-aggressive player yourself. They’re the most common type. No doubt that they can build a bankroll at a low-limit table, but they’re generally shark food at the No Limit Hold’em games.

Loose-Passive Players - These players are their own worst enemy. They constantly depend on others bluffing into their hands. You can spot these players as they keep calling while holding a semi-strong hand. You can take seize the moment by betting competitively when you’re holding a stronger hand. These players fold easily.

Tight-Aggressive Players - It’s not a flawless style for sure. But, if you have a strong gutt feeling, you can boost your bankroll quickly. The trick, wait for a great hand. Then, go all in and kill to the finish. Throw all your chips into it. Win big, lose big!!! That’s the nature of this style.

Loose-Aggressive Players - Now, this is the style I have adopted. Loose aggressive players are some of the most dangerous people to play with, and I like the sound of that! Sometimes, they’ll bet like a nut job and get cornered easily. Well, if that happens, consider them your prey. Most times, though, they play a lot of hands and buy shares of tons of pots. Because they’re betting so much, it’ll seem like they’re losing a lot. However, if you keep an eye on their chips, you’ll notice the pile getting bigger throughout the night. So to all out there, do keep a close watch around this type of player. Don’t be drawn in by their betting!!!

Therefore, hope these 4 types listed will help you judge the type of opponents on your table. Good Luck!


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